Tuesday 2 February 2010

Time Plan

Repertoire of elements- Friday 8th January 2010

Similar films watched- Friday 15th January 2010

Location Photos- Tuesday 2nd February 2010

Filming- Friday 29th January 2010

Editing- Friday 12th February 2010

Storyboard- Tuesday 12th February 2010

Details of why we filmed and how- Friday 5th February 2010

Evaluation- Tuesday 18th February 2010

Representation of Gender in Horror films- Tuesday 2nd February 2010

These elements of the blog are being completed over a period of time. The deadline for this to be completed is the 29th February 2010 so we are working on it over the weeks in December, January and February. The filming and editing has to be completed by February 12th 2010, the filming will be completed by the end of January which allows the time between then and the deadline to edit the film.

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