Tuesday 2 February 2010

Target Audience

Target Audience - Horror films

The target audience of the film we are making is teenagers and mainly males. Because horror films show death, blood and gore they are not suitable for young audiences. Although a large percentage of females are shown to watch horror films, studies suggest that the majority of viewers are males. The film being made also involves two teenage boys which means it will appeal to teenagers because they can relate to it.


The film will appeal to this audience because it is a typical teenage horror.
The horror film involves two males and therefore is targeted at males. It is also a known fact that teenage boys and men in their early twenties enjoy the blood and gore in horror films. The majority of girls tend to find this very scary and do not watch the film if they know there will be blood, death and gore in it.

People in higher classes of society are more likely to go to the cinema because it is a luxury they can afford; the film is also aimed at people with a high class of education as these people tend to have more money than those with a limited education.

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