Thursday 25 February 2010


Our group did some research into what Psychosis is and how it affects people, psychosis can be used in horror films as it is a horrifying symptom that some people may experience.

Psychosis is a medical term used to describe someone that can’t tell the difference between their reality and their imagination. Psychosis is not actually a condition itself but a symptom of other conditions. The most common cause of psychosis is a mental health condition such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Psychosis can also be triggered by excessive alcohol and drug use and medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.

People with Psychosis often experience:

Hallucinations- When you hear and see things that are not there

Delusions- Where you believe things that are untrue

The length of time you can experience psychosis for varies, if it is related to drug and alcohol abuse the symptoms may only last a few days but if it is a result of a medical condition it may last for a lifetime if not treated. This is why prompt treatment is recommended as it is thought the earlier you treat it the better the long term effects will be, short-term treatments are just normal antibiotics and medicine whereas the long-term treatment depends on the extent of the condition and may involve strong procedures.

Psychosis is fairly common in the UK with 1 in 200 people affected, some may only experience a psychotic episode on a one off time but for some it will last a lot longer.

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